Grow With Us Ventures. How to understand and overcome the traps you are likely to encounter in organizational life?

How to understand and overcome the traps you are likely to encounter in organizational life?

“Flawless Leadership: Learning the Lessons Without Paying the Price” Kenneth Lay, the former chairman of Enron, and Jim Owens, the former CEO of Caterpillar, shared similar backgrounds: Both grew up in the same generation and with little money. Each laboured hard, working numerous jobs while studying at state universities. Both earned PhDs in economics before…

Grow With Us Ventures. How to build your focus to enhance your learning, performance and leadership?

How to build your focus to enhance your learning, performance and leadership?

Paying attention How well you pay attention affects every aspect of your life. Effective focusing skills enhance mental processes, including understanding, learning, listening, being creative and reading other people’s signals. Most people underestimate focus or overlook its importance. You need to exercise all three categories of focus – “inner, other and outer” – to function…